AMWP Issue 4
Anita Solak: ‘I hold my hope in obrezane ruže, still growing’
Hassan Kalam Abul: ‘a shed snake skin is often twice as long as the snake’ (and transliteration and translation)
Natasha Hertanto: ‘there’s no indonesian word for grandparents’
Editorial team
Nadia Niaz – Managing Editor
Vanessa Giron – Spanish Editor
Grace Feng Fang Juan – Chinese Editor
Ameel Zia Khan – Design & Audio
Alexander Ivanov – Consulting Editor, Russian
C.B. Mako – Consulting Editor, Tagalog
Emanuela Moretto – Consulting Editor, Italian
Masako Fukui – Consulting Editor, Japanese
Ralf D Schroers – Consulting Editor, German
Suzana Stapar – Consulting Editor, Serbian & Bosnian