Lesh Karan: '(Ir)responsible memories'
Lesh Karan reading ‘(Ir)responsible memories’
nine years old
potato curry
an egg cracked in
carbs upon carbs
ten years old
bus walk siblings
to school
from school
swimming day
sleep drool
pooling in lap
seeping home
library rain
of penalty
hill cousins
bee stings
तुम बड़ी है
a goody-two-shoes
with adults’ duties
thirteen years old
in heels
paternal fear
हाथ पैर काट के
room में बन्द
one claims
one denies
both there
neither present
memories fly
fragments stitched
in my fabric
Transliteration and translation
तुम बड़ी है /tum badi hein: You are the eldest
हाथ पैर काट के / haath pair kaat ke: sever limbs
room में बन्द / room mein band: lock in room
Lesh Karan is a former pharmacist turned writer and recent poet. She is Fiji Indian and immigrated to Australia over 30 years ago. Lesh happily calls Melbourne home. Her website is leshkaran.com.