Australian Multilingual Writing Project

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Julia Pelosi-Thorpe: ‘tandem’ glossary


tandem at last/finally


qualem what sort/type/quality
fama reputation


in nostrum sinum into our lap/breasts/other bodily folds (“our” means “my”)
Cytherea (from Greek) The Kytherian goddess (means “Venus,” who was from the island Kythira)
Exorata entreated upon
meis Camenis my Camenae (goddesses associated with music mean “songs/poems”)
illum that [masc. person]


Exsoluit has discharged/released
mea my


Non ego not me
signatis tabellis wax writing tablets sealed up (or marked up by a stylus)


peccasse iuuat it’s pleasurable/helpful to have done the wrong thing
uultus conponere famae taedet it’s wearisome to put together/arrange one’s face(s)
ferar I will be spoken of
digna/dignus worthy [fem. person/masc. person]



svelato nella sua nudità unveiled in its bareness
renderlo a qualcuno manifesto make it clear to someone
rivelato a tutti revealed to all
e vergogna and shame
vergognoso shameful
motivo di vergogna cause for shame
infamante defamatory 


sul mio seno on my bosom/breasts
nel mio seno in my bosom/breasts
nelle mie braccia in my arms
Commossa Citerea the Cytherian goddess, moved/touched/affected
Pregata Venere Venus, prayed to/begged/appealed to
a convincere Venere Citerea a to persuade Cytherian Venus to
dai miei versi by my verses
dalle mie Muse by my muses
Sono stati i miei versi ispirati dalle Muse my verses were inspired by the muses
l’/lo him
Venuto è infine amore love has come at last


Ha sciolto has discharged/released
ha mantenuto has kept
le mie/la mia my
È giunto, infine l’amore love has finally arrived 


a tavolette sigillate on sealed tablets
amore love
amato beloved
innamorato lover
È giunto finalmente il mio amore my love’s arrived at last


peccato sin
peccare sinning
m’è to me is
si dirà che it will be said that
degni l’una dell’altro each worthy of the other
lui fu degno di me he was worthy of me
io fui degna di lui I was worthy of him